Ukraine vs Russia could result in an imminent war! But how does that affect us as Traders?

It really doesn't matter where you live in the world, if conflict happens between Russia and Ukraine then we will expect major volatility

I am not a war advocate and in no way support any kind of violence or war no matter what the outcome would be. That’s out of the way, now It really doesn’t matter where you live in the world, if a conflict happens between Russia and Ukraine then we will expect major volatility in Forex and the other markets. The US Dollar could flip around from a major decline to creating higher dollar prices that could result in a decline in all the foreign currencies.

Let’s just wait and see. All we hope for now is that Biden and Putin could come to an agreement to avoid any conflict in the region. But if the opposite happens then brace yourselves for major market moves.

Your next question could be what should I trade now since forex market is kind of slow?

Have a look at indices, like the Nasdaq 100, S&P or the Dow. The Nas100 will have major volatility until the end of the third week of March 2022.

Nasdaq 100 Daily view on Tradingview

BEWARED! the Nasdaq 100, S&P 500 and The Dow Jones when they move during high volatility they will move like a train without a driver, and I discourage anyone without trading experience to even try them. You still going to need high capital to be able to trade them, unless you use my Traders Resource you will have all the information needed to trade the mini indices in the UK using an FCA approved provider like Please read our Terms of use and Disclaimer


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