Qualcomm (QCOM) is advancing in the PC market with its new Snapdragon X chip for mid-range laptops and desktops, set to launch this month. This fourth iteration in the Snapdragon X series features eight CPU cores, is built on a 4-nanometer process, and delivers 45 TOPS for AI performance. It supports Microsoft’s Copilot+PC initiative, enabling efficient execution of AI tasks without heavy reliance on cloud processing.
It positions the Snapdragon X against Intel’s Core 5 120U processor, claiming better performance per watt, especially for AI tasks. However, consumer demand for on-device AI may be limited, as many applications still require internet connectivity. Ultimately, the Snapdragon X’s battery life may be its most appealing feature for users.
Qualcomm has reported that a test PC with a Snapdragon X processor outperformed an Intel Core i5 notebook, achieving 106% longer battery life during Netflix streaming, highlighting ongoing battery performance issues in Intel systems. Meanwhile, Apple has improved its MacBook battery life by switching to custom Arm-based chips.
Price snapshot on Jan 06 2025
In response, Intel has launched its second-generation Core Ultra chips, claiming they can compete with Qualcomm’s offerings. Qualcomm also plans to expand its Snapdragon chips to desktop computers, targeting mini-PCs to diversify beyond its stagnating smartphone revenue.
This move poses a significant challenge to Intel, which holds a 76.1% market share, as AMD continues to grow. Qualcomm’s focus on battery life and AI capabilities could threaten Intel’s profitability, especially since its Client Computing Group, which generated $7.3 billion in Q3, is its largest revenue source. Any competition in this segment could jeopardize Intel’s financial stability.